On Monday, city police in Jaipur dismantled a loan fraud racket, arresting two individuals involved in a scheme that exploited a finance company using forged documents. The suspects, Vishnu Kumar (26) and Mohan Lal Bairwa (24), were taken into custody by the Jawahar Circle police.
The investigation began after a complaint was lodged in May by the finance company, alleging that Kumar, a former employee, conspired with clients to defraud the organization. The fraudulent activities resulted in significant financial losses, with many borrowers failing to repay their loans and some even abandoning their residences.
Utilizing technical assistance and tips from informants, the police tracked down Kumar, who had been frequently changing his location to evade capture. During interrogation, he confessed to creating fake documents for numerous individuals to secure loans. This confession led to the arrest of Bairwa, who was responsible for producing the forged paperwork.
The police are continuing their investigation to identify any additional individuals involved in the scam.