In a significant breakthrough, Bengaluru police have arrested Murugesh M , a sysystem administrator from Hosur, Tamil Nadu, for allegedly stealing nearly 50 laptops worth Rs22 lakh frommultimedia company he worked for. Murugesh, 29, who managed the company’s inventory in Whitefield, Bengaluru, confessed to the crime after being apprehended by authorities.
According to police sources, Murugesh had fallen into financial distress after incurring a Rs25 lakh debt due to failed ventures, including a tomato farming business and a cyber center . Fromgadget repair shop in Hosur over a period of time.
The thefts came to light when company officials noticed that Murugesh had abruptly stopped coming to work after August 22. Upon discovering the missing laptops, they reviewed CCTV footage from the storage area, which implicated Murugesh. The company then filed a formal complaint, prompting an investigation.
Murugesh was eventually located and arrested from a cinema house in Hosur, and was brought back to Bengaluru for further questioning. During the arrest, the police recovered five laptops, and the investigation continues.