Cyber police in Thailand have arrested 32-year-old Pimphan from Suphan Buri for her involvement in a call centre scam that targeted a grandmother and her grandson. The scam lured victims across the border to Poipet for facial scans, with around 30 people being deceived each month.
The arrest took place on January 20, following a warrant issued by the Criminal Court on January 17. Pimphan faces multiple charges, including fraud by impersonation, intimidation, fraudulent computer data entry, and involvement in money laundering schemes.
The investigation began in December when the victims, a grandmother and her grandson from Udon Thani, were contacted by a gang posing as Department of Special Investigation officers. They were falsely accused of money laundering and coerced into transferring over 3.4 million baht (US$99,910) from their bank account.
Upon reporting the incident, authorities tracked Pimphan, who had been recruiting individuals to open mule accounts and coordinating their transportation for facial scans at the Khlong Luek immigration checkpoint. Pimphan admitted to sending 20 to 30 people across the border each month since November, with each individual receiving a fee of 1,000 baht (US$30) per account.
The cyber police have already issued arrest warrants for 11 individuals involved in the scam, with three individuals apprehended. Investigations are ongoing to capture the remaining suspects.