In a significant development, the Nigdi police have apprehended 40-year-old transporter Sandeep Hanchate from Kondhwa in connection with a massive Rs1.4 crore parcel fraud. The scheme, which targeted a Nigdi resident, unfolded between April 2 and April 20. The primary suspect behind the fraud is still at large.
According to police sources, the 54-year-old victim, a former employee of a private company, received a call on April 4 from someone impersonating a courier company executive. The caller falsely claimed that a parcel in the victim’s name, purportedly containing illegal drugs, had been intercepted by Mumbai customs. The victim was subsequently directed to a fake Mumbai police officer via a video call.
Under the guise of a legal investigation, the impersonator pressured the victim to provide his bank details and transfer funds to a specified account for “verification,” promising a return of the money afterward. As a result, the victim depleted his savings and took out a loan, ultimately transferring a total of Rs1.4 crore.
Investigations revealed that Rs35 lakh of the embezzled funds were deposited into Hanchate’s bank account. He is accused of allowing his account to be used by the fraudsters and receiving a commission in return. Inspector Tejaswini Kadam stated, “Hanchate has been arrested and remanded in police custody for three days. We are continuing our efforts to track down other individuals involved in the scam.”