In a late-night operation, the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) arrested two Nepalese nationals in Lucknow for their involvement in a large-scale digital fraud operation. The arrested individuals, Saroj Khanal from Dharan, Sunsari, and Shivram Rimal from Kathmandu, were apprehended near Saroj Hospital on Dubagga Road while attempting to meet someone to arrange a bank account for transferring funds from their scams.
The STF investigation revealed that the duo was using fake identities, posing as Indian nationals named Rahul Kumar and Pankaj Sridhar. They had fabricated addresses in the Avash Vikas Yojna area of Lucknow. During their arrest, STF officials seized two Nepalese passports, forged Indian Aadhaar cards, ID cards, and mobile phones.
The two suspects were reportedly linked to a Chinese national, Ben, who is currently based in Nepal. The STF is further probing the international connections involved in this digital fraud network.