Vigilance officials arrested a government officer, identified as Rao, after discovering his disproportionate assets worth over Rs3.77 crore, far exceeding his known sources of income. The authorities, acting on intelligence, conducted a raid on Saturday, revealing that Rao had accumulated assets of 177% more than his legal income.
The raid, which took place at multiple locations, unearthed significant amounts of wealth. During a search at the house of Rao’s brother-in-law, a government doctor working at Berhampur Jail, ₹46.45 lakh in cash was found. In addition, authorities discovered large sums of money in the form of bank deposits and investments totaling ₹3.77 crore. Rao was also found in possession of precious metals, including 510 grams of gold and 300 grams of silver ornaments.
Authorities further revealed that Rao owned a four-wheeler and a two-wheeler, in addition to household goods worth approximately ₹15 lakh.
The investigation is ongoing, with authorities scrutinizing three other properties suspected to be ‘benami’ flats. These properties, owned in the names of other individuals, may further increase the total value of Rao’s illegally accumulated wealth.