In a breakthrough, Venu Bhaskar Reddy, the prime accused in a honey trap scam, was arrested by the Airport Police on Saturday. The case, which was solved earlier this year in October, also involves Koruprolu Joy Jamima (27) from Murali Nagar, who is alleged to have worked with Reddy to deceive wealthy men.
According to police investigations, Reddy and Jamima had been in a relationship and together, they devised a plan to target men from affluent backgrounds. They would approach their victims through social media or other sources, where Jamima would form romantic relationships with them. During their meetings, she would sedate them using drinks or perfumes laced with sedatives.
Once the men were unconscious or disoriented, Jamima’s accomplices would step in to take private pictures of the victims in compromising situations. The gang would then use these pictures to extort money, threatening to post them on social media or send them to the victim’s family members unless they paid up.
The police have now arrested Venu Bhaskar Reddy, and the investigation continues. The authorities are determined to uncover the full extent of this blackmail ring and ensure justice for the victims.