In a shocking turn of events, a 41-year-old farmer, Nilesh Ramchandra Pardeshi, was found dead near Trimbakeshwar on Friday night. His maternal uncle, Govind Dabhade, has been arrested in connection with the murder. Authorities suspect the motive behind the killing was an ongoing legal battle over ancestral land ownership.
According to the police, Pardeshi was found shot with three bullets. Initial investigations confirmed that it was a case of murder rather than an accidental death, as per the post-mortem report. The deceased’s family promptly filed a complaint, leading to the arrest of Dabhade, a police officer.
The dispute over inherited land near Trimbakeshwar is believed to be the cause of the murder. Witnesses and family members reported that the two had been engaged in a protracted legal conflict regarding the property, which may have escalated into the fatal attack.
Inspector Bipin Shewale of the Trimbakeshwar police station stated that further investigation will shed more light on the motive behind the crime. Dabhade was brought before a local court and remanded in police custody until December 27 for further interrogation.