Tirumala II Town police recently apprehended two individuals, Naga Brahmachari and Venkateswara Rao, for exploiting the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) room booking system. The suspects had been booking rooms intended for pilgrims visiting the Lord Venkateswara temple using fraudulent methods.
Police investigations revealed that the two had been regularly booking rooms over the past two months, securing approximately 45 reservations. The scam was uncovered after a review of CCTV footage showed the suspects’ suspicious activities.
Circle Inspector Satya Narayana confirmed that the accused, Naga Brahmachari from Krishna district and Venkateswara Rao from Warangal, used fake or borrowed Aadhaar cards to bypass the TTD system. “These individuals were exploiting pilgrims by reserving rooms meant for worship and reselling them at much higher prices,” said Inspector Narayana.
The police action highlights the ongoing efforts to protect devotees from fraudulent practices, ensuring that rooms intended for the faithful are available to those in need.