In a significant breakthrough, the Chandigarh and Mohali police arrested 23-year-old Sonu, a resident of Faidan village, for his involvement in multiple thefts across the region. The police recovered several stolen items, including three gas cylinders, 14 mobile phones, and a bicycle, all seized from various areas of Chandigarh and Mohali.
The investigation was initiated after a complaint was filed by Depender, a resident of Faidan village. Depender reported that on May 31, while he was away at work and his family was not at home, his sister discovered that the front lock of their house had been broken upon returning. The items stolen included a gas cylinder, a Dell laptop, an 18-inch LED TV, a speaker, and some cash.
Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested Sonu from Faidan village on July 27. During the investigation, the stolen gas cylinder and Dell laptop were recovered from his possession. The police also found other stolen items, including the gas cylinders, mobile phones, and a bicycle.
Sonu, a laborer with a criminal record, was previously registered under Sections 379 ) and 411 of the Indian Penal Code at Police Station, Sector 36. He is known to have a history of drug addiction.
Sonu has been produced before the court and remanded to judicial custody. The police are continuing their investigation into the matter.