The Haridwar police have apprehended three key members of a gang responsible for a Rs 5 crore jewelry robbery at a local showroom in September. Among those arrested is Shivani, the wife of the alleged mastermind, Subhash Karate. Karate remains on the run, along with a significant portion of the stolen jewelry.
Shivani, a resident of Delhi’s Shakur Basti Railway Colony, was taken into custody alongside Praveen and Vikram, who were also involved in the heist. Their arrests followed the issuance of warrants by a Haridwar court. The trio is believed to be well-acquainted with the entire robbery plot, as they are relatives of Karate, the main accused.
Pradeep Bisht, the SHO of Jwalapur police station, confirmed the suspects’ involvement in the robbery and stated, “Subhash Karate is still at large, and our teams are relentlessly working to apprehend him. Karate has a criminal record and is also wanted for an attempted bank robbery in Himachal.”
In addition to these arrests, three other suspects had already been detained, and one was killed during a police encounter. Despite the progress, local jewelers have expressed dissatisfaction with the recovery of the stolen goods and have demanded the full return of the missing jewelry.