In a major drug bust, the Rajkot Police seized 362.95 grams of heroin worth Rs18 lakh on Tuesday from two individuals on Kuvadava Road. The operation was carried out by the Rajkot Special Operations Group (SOG), which had received intelligence regarding drug smuggling activities in the area. Acting on the tip-off, the team set up a surveillance operation near a shopping mall on Kuvadava Road.
The arrested individuals were identified as Rajmal, a resident of Pratapgarh, and Faizal. During the preliminary investigation, it was revealed that Rajmal, a driver by profession, also ran a side business supplying drugs. Rajmal had traveled from Pratapgarh to Rajkot to deliver the drugs. Upon arrival at Greenland Chokdi, he contacted Faizal, and the two met on Kuvadava Road, where the drug exchange took place. Following this, the police arrested both suspects.
The SOG team also seized mobile phones and cash from the individuals along with the drugs. Rajmal had intended to supply the heroin to another person, and the police are now searching for this individual.