A 40-year-old jewelry craftsman, Sachin J Makwana, was arrested in Rajasthan for allegedly stealing diamonds worth Rs 1.47 crore from a Mumbai-based company. The arrest followed a meticulous investigation where police examined over 120 CCTV camera recordings, according to the Goregaon police.
Makwana, who had been employed by diamond trader Kiran Ratilal Rokani’s firm, was accused of stealing 491 carats of diamonds on December 10. Rokani filed a complaint, leading to the police probe. In their search for Makwana, authorities reviewed footage from several locations including Goregaon, Malad, Dahisar, and other cities such as Surat and Ahmedabad.
Upon his arrest on Tuesday, Makwana confessed to the theft. Police recovered a significant portion of the stolen items, including 470 carats of diamonds valued at Rs 1.40 crore and Rs 77,380 in cash—97% of the loot was recovered. Investigations into the matter are still ongoing.