The cyber-crime branch arrested Parv Prajapati, a resident of Narsinghpur, on Thursday in connection with a significant online fraud operation. Prajapati is accused of providing his bank account to cyber-criminals for a commission. Over the span of just five days, transactions totaling Rs 5 lakh were carried out through his account.
A Bhopal-based woman reported that she had been duped of Rs 89,775 after a fraudster impersonated a close acquaintance and convinced her that there was an emergency. The fraudster led her to transfer the amount through online transactions. Based on the woman’s complaint, the Cyber-crime Branch initiated an investigation, which resulted in Prajapati’s arrest.
According to Additional DCP (crime branch) Shailendra Singh Chouhan, Prajapati sold his bank account to cyber-criminals, who used it to transfer the victim’s funds. An Android mobile phone was seized during his arrest. Earlier, Deepak Sharma was also apprehended for a similar role in the scheme.
Police officials confirmed that this fraud was part of a larger, well-organized cyber-crime ring, where the criminals impersonated familiar people to trick victims into transferring money. The fraudsters procured bank accounts from account holders like Prajapati, who were paid a commission in return. The money transferred was then circulated through various accounts before being withdrawn via ATMs.