In a major operation, Morigaon police have arrested 10 cybercriminals as part of a district-wide crackdown to combat cybercrime. The operation, led by Additional Superintendent of Police (Crime Branch) Samiran Baishya, targeted areas including Moirabari, Laharighat, Bhuragaon, and Mayang. The arrested individuals are believed to be involved in a variety of cybercrimes such as online fraud and identity theft.
This significant move is part of an ongoing investigation to dismantle a widespread network of cybercriminals operating in the region. Authorities have indicated that the number of arrests may rise as the investigation continues. The operation involved multiple police teams and is hailed as one of the most extensive efforts by the district against cybercrime.
In a separate case, East Guwahati Police District (EGPD) made another significant arrest. Ajmol Hussain, 41, from Radhakuchi, Barpeta district, was apprehended in Bhetapara. A raid on his premises in Tetelia led to the seizure of 12 ATM cards, six passbooks, two SIM cards, and 10 mobile handsets—items suspected to be used for cyber fraud. The accused is also believed to be involved in opening “mule bank accounts” to launder money extorted by cybercriminals.
The authorities have initiated legal action against the arrested individuals, urging the public to stay alert and report any suspicious online activities to help combat cybercrime in the region.