A tragic incident occurred in Miyapur where a 25-year-old woman, Kaveri, allegedly died by suicide after being subjected to continuous harassment by her husband, Jagannath, over dowry. According to the complaint filed by Kaveri’s brother, Vijay Kumar, the victim’s husband, an autorickshaw driver, had been pressuring her to bring Rs 2 to 3 lakh from her parents to purchase a new vehicle. When Kaveri refused, Jagannath allegedly physically assaulted her.
Despite showing the injuries to her parents, Kaveri was reportedly advised to compromise and stay in the marriage. The domestic abuse escalated, and on the evening of December 7, around 8 pm, Kaveri tragically died by suicide at her residence.
The police have registered a case of domestic violence and dowry harassment. After the investigation, Jagannath was arrested for his role in the incident. The case highlights the grave consequences of dowry-related violence in relationships.