In a shocking turn of events, a serving policeman from Jammu, Pardeep Singh Thakur, has been arrested by the Jammu and Kashmir Police for allegedly duping elderly citizens by misusing their ATM cards. The accused, who had been using the stolen cards to withdraw large sums of money, was found in possession of five ATM cards belonging to different individuals. Thakur had fraudulently withdrawn Rs2.02 lakh, which has now been recovered by the police.
The scam came to light after an elderly resident from Barnai, Prem Nath Raina, reported to the Chinore police post that his ATM card had been used without his permission to withdraw money from his bank account. Acting on the complaint, the police registered an FIR under the BNS Act at Domana Police Station.
Following the complaint, a dedicated investigation team was formed. The team meticulously analyzed CCTV footage from nearby ATMs and petrol pumps, conducted technical scrutiny, and gathered intelligence. This comprehensive approach led to the identification and subsequent arrest of the main suspect, Pardeep Singh Thakur.
Thakur, a resident of Shankli in Doda district, who was currently living in Bakshi Nagar, Jammu, was revealed to have masterminded a well-planned ATM fraud operation targeting elderly citizens and those unfamiliar with ATM operations. His modus operandi involved posing as a helpful bystander to unsuspecting victims, observing their PIN codes, and then swapping their ATM cards with similar-looking ones. Thakur would then use the stolen cards to withdraw money, often reaching the daily ATM limit.
To extract even more money, Thakur also used the stolen ATM cards at petrol pumps, where he allegedly had the help of employees. These employees were complicit in the scam, reportedly aiding Thakur in exchange for a share of the stolen funds.
Two petrol pump employees have also been arrested in connection with the scam. The police have recovered the stolen money, but the investigation is ongoing, and authorities expect further arrests and recoveries as they continue to probe the case.
This case has shocked both the public and the police force, as the fraudster was a serving member of the police, highlighting the depth of the betrayal. The authorities are now urging the public, especially senior citizens, to be extra cautious when using their ATM cards and to report any suspicious activity immediately.