In a significant operation, the Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police Station has uncovered three separate fraud rings operating from Gujarat, leading to the arrest of seven key individuals. These gangs were implicated in a total of 983 online fraud cases across India, involving various types of scams such as investment frauds, trading frauds, FedEx courier frauds, and KYC frauds.
The first case saw the arrest of three individuals from Rajkot, Gujarat, identified as Chudasama Kuldeepsingh Anopsingh, Jedeja Daivatsinh Kiritsinh, and Sinojiya Ketan Sureshbhai. They were involved in an elaborate online investment scam, defrauding a victim of Rs2 crore. The gang lured victims by promising high returns through a fake trading platform.
The investigation by the Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police continues as they work to identify more victims and bring all involved parties to justice.