In a recent development, the Hyderabad zonal office of the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) seized several SIM cards and mobile phones from the residence of alleged conman Sandeep Desai. The seizure took place on January 3 during searches conducted under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002. These devices are believed to have been used for fraudulent activities, specifically targeting individuals currently under ED investigation.
The searches were part of a follow-up operation after the ED’s raid on two premises—CSK Realtors Ltd. and Singh Mansions Pvt. Ltd.—in Hyderabad on December 19, 2024. Following these raids, Desai allegedly contacted Suresh Kumar Agarwal, the managing director of CSK Realtors, and attempted to extort money. Desai arranged a meeting with Agarwal at a five-star hotel, where he introduced himself as “Rakesh,” claiming to be a relative of an ED officer. He demanded a large sum of money to act as a mediator with ED officials.
Upon receiving a written complaint from Agarwal, the ED launched a detailed investigation into Desai’s activities. Surveillance and CCTV footage led the ED team directly to Desai. During questioning, Desai admitted to attempting the extortion, falsely claiming he had connections with ED officers.
Desai’s arrest highlights the increasing efforts of the Enforcement Directorate to crack down on individuals attempting to exploit the PMLA investigation for personal gain. The seizure of SIM cards and phones is a key piece of evidence, and the investigation into Desai’s fraudulent operations is ongoing.