Kharar police arrested a Haryana native, Naveen Kumar, from Balongi on Tuesday for allegedly running a fake immigration racket. The police recovered Rs20 lakh in cash and two passports from his possession.
The accused, Naveen Kumar, hails from Hisar, Haryana. He was arrested following a complaint filed by Sachin Singh from Sangrur. According to Sachin, he had paid Rs10 lakh to Naveen for sending his brother to Canada and handed over his passport as well. However, despite repeated promises, Kumar failed to fulfill the commitment.
Sachin later learned from his acquaintance, Mandeep Singh, that Mandeep had also paid Rs10 lakh to Naveen for sending his cousin abroad, but Kumar had failed him too. This prompted Sachin to lodge a formal complaint with the Balongi police.
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Karan Singh Sandhu stated during a press conference that Naveen Kumar did not possess any valid license to send people abroad. He was allegedly relying on immigration consultants to help send his victims abroad, but nothing materialized. Instead, Kumar had sent the victims to Delhi after receiving the payments, promising them they would be sent abroad within a few days.
DSP Sandhu also urged the public to avoid making payments to immigration agents without verifying their credentials, as this case highlights the risks of falling victim to fraudulent schemes.