The Kolkata Police have apprehended brothers Gurkirat Singh and Harkirat Singh, residents of Ludhiana, in connection with an alleged fraud case involving Rs25 crore. Gurkirat serves as the executive director of the Gulzar Group of Institutes based in Khanna.
The brothers were taken into custody on Saturday and subsequently brought to Kolkata on transit remand after appearing in the local civil court in Ludhiana.
According to Sub-inspector Babir Singh, the FIR against Gurkirat and Harkirat was lodged by Kolkata Police in June, following a complaint by Sohan Singh, the owner of an educational group in Kolkata. Singh claimed that the brothers had borrowed Rs25 crore from him nearly three years ago but had failed to repay it.
The agreement stipulated that the amount would be returned by March 2024. After the brothers missed this deadline, Singh decided to approach law enforcement. The FIR includes charges under Sections 406, 465, 420, 467, 471, and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code.
Bikram Sidhu, the legal representative for the arrested brothers, stated that they plan to seek bail in Kolkata court, arguing that the police have acted unlawfully by registering a criminal case in what he considers a civil matter.