The Bhopal Cyber-crime Branch has successfully arrested four fraudsters from Sakti district, Chhattisgarh for their involvement in a pension fraud scheme that targeted unsuspecting pension holders. The accused are alleged to have deceived victims by falsely claiming that their pension payments were on hold and demanding money under the pretext of updating life certificates in banks.
One of the victims, a Bhopal-based individual, was defrauded of nearly Rs7 lakh by the gang. Over a span of 20 days, the gang used a bank account through which approximately Rs50 lakh worth of fraudulent transactions were carried out.
According to Additional DCP (Cyber-crime Branch) Shailendra Singh Chouhan, a victim filed a complaint stating that he was deceived out of Rs6.95 lakh by someone claiming to be from the Treasury Department over the phone. In the course of the investigation, the police seized three Android mobile phones, several bank accounts, and evidence showing transactions totaling Rs50 lakh during the scam’s duration.
The arrested individuals include:
Durgesh Kumar Tandon
Rahul Sonawane
Karan Sonawane
Vishwanath Khunte alias Bablu
The police continue to investigate further aspects of the case to uncover additional victims and accomplices involved in the scheme.