The Commissionerate Police arrested Deepak Dehury on Thursday in connection with the murder of Prasant Kumar Majhi, a confectioner from Choudwar. The incident occurred on June 25, when Majhi was fatally stabbed by Dehury.
During the arrest, the police seized the weapon used in the crime, a knife. Dehury has since been forwarded to court.
According to ACP Zone I Arun Swain, the crime took place at Birata Bazar, under the Choudwar police limits. On the evening of June 25, a heated altercation ensued between the accused and the victim. The two had worked as confectioners in different sweet shops, and Dehury frequently teased and abused Majhi. On the day of the incident, Dehury entered Majhi’s shop and verbally abused him. After being confronted by Majhi, Dehury left the shop in anger.
The situation escalated when Dehury purchased a knife and returned to stab Majhi in the chest during a power outage in the area. Majhi was rushed to SCB Medical College & Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment. The police have now completed their investigation, and Dehury has been arrested for the crime.