The Miyapur police have registered a criminal case against eight individuals, including relatives of former minister and BRS MLA Harish Rao, following a complaint of fraudulent property sales. The complaint, filed on behalf of property owner Lachi Raju by his friend Chitti Babu, alleges that flats were sold without the owner’s consent.
The case, which was filed on October 5, has gained public attention after details emerged on Friday. The accused individuals are identified as T Gautham, Bowenpally Venkateshwar Rao, Gone Raj Kumar, Jampanny Prabhavathi, Nagaravi, Padmaja Rao, and FIIT JEE Ltd. They are facing charges of trespass and cheating for their involvement in the unauthorized sale of property.
The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are looking into the role of the accused, including whether any influential connections were used to carry out the fraud.