In a dramatic turn of events, 42-year-old Bikram Das, who had been acquitted of a triple murder case two months ago, was arrested by the Patkura police on Monday after he attacked his wife, Subhadra, and his brother, Sangram, at Madhusudanpur village in Odisha. The incident occurred on Sunday, and following a complaint filed by Sangram, the police launched an investigation and a manhunt to apprehend Bikram.
To evade arrest, Bikram disguised himself in women’s clothing and tried to blend in with other passengers on a bus. However, his plan was foiled when passengers at Haladiagada chowk recognized him. The police were immediately alerted, and Bikram was apprehended. He has been booked under multiple sections of the IPC, including attempted murder, assault, and criminal intimidation.
Sangram, who was seriously injured in the attack, has been admitted to the SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack. The police are still investigating the motive behind the attack.
Interestingly, Bikram had been previously arrested in 2018 for the triple murder of Dhoi Das (85), his wife Soria (76), and their daughter Pratima in the same village. He spent six years in jail but was acquitted after all 29 witnesses in the case turned hostile. Following his acquittal, he is now back in the legal spotlight after this latest violent incident.