A man from Kaluwas village, Bhiwani, identified as Lucky, has been arrested for his involvement in defrauding people by promising them visas and jobs in Kuwait. The police spokesperson revealed that Lucky was arrested by the Industrial Area Police Station team after complaints from victims, including Amarjeet from Paluwas village and others. They claimed that Lucky, along with his accomplices Gaurav, Kapil, and Devender, took a total of Rs9,30,000 from them for arranging employment and visas.
However, after realizing they had been scammed, the victims demanded a refund, but the accused refused and even threatened them. The police later apprehended Lucky and recovered ₹58,000 from him during his remand. After completing his police custody, Lucky was sent to judicial custody. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to identify and arrest the remaining accomplices involved in the fraud.