On Tuesday, city police arrested three men from Bhavnagar, Gujarat, for their involvement in a series of burglaries across multiple cities in Rajasthan. The accused were identified as Ranjeet Mali (28), Rakesh Mali (19), and Manoj Mali (22), as confirmed by SHO (Bindayaka) Bhajan Lal Meena.
According to police, the trio initially purchased utensils and other household goods at low prices from Delhi, which they later sold in residential colonies. During their rounds, they would identify locked houses and, under the cover of night, break into homes. In some cases, they targeted mobile and jewelry stores by breaking through shutters and stealing goods, which they later sold in Delhi.
The men are suspected of being involved in several thefts, including a break-in at a mobile accessories shop in Bhiwadi in October and a theft in Churu, where they made off with Rs 70,000 in cash and other valuables. They also conducted reconnaissance inside Shekhawati Colony on Sirsi Road last month, where they stole cash and valuables from a house.
The police continue their investigation, aiming to uncover the full extent of the group’s criminal activities.