A 45-year-old real estate agent in Bengaluru, Anand Kumar, was arrested by Anekal police for impersonating a relative of the Upa Lokayukta and pressuring a deputy Tahsildar to prioritize a property registration task. The arrest followed a complaint lodged by the deputy registrar of the Lokayukta.
Kumar, who allegedly cheated and used criminal force to deter public servants from performing their duties, contacted Kariya Naik, the deputy Tahsildar, on December 10. He claimed to be both a relative of the Upa Lokayukta and an employee of the Lokayukta office. Kumar instructed Naik to expedite the registration of one acre of property owned by an individual named Babu.
To intensify the pressure on Naik, Kumar reportedly had his associates call from multiple numbers impersonating senior officials, including the IGP and SP of Lokayukta. The intention was to coerce Naik into complying with the illegal demands.
However, Naik grew suspicious and sought verification from the Lokayukta office. It was confirmed that Anand Kumar had no affiliation with the Lokayukta, and no such instructions had been issued.
Kumar has been charged with impersonation, cheating, and using criminal force to deter public servants from performing their duties. Further investigations are ongoing.