The Bhindi Saida police have successfully confiscated 2 kg of heroin along with Rs 1.5 lakh in drug money from two residents of Banga. The individuals arrested were identified as Balbir Singh, alias Bira, and Ajay Verma, both from the Mazari area in Banga.
A case has been filed under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, with further investigations ongoing to identify the source of the contraband and any connections to broader drug trafficking operations.
The operation unfolded when a police team, led by Sub-Inspector Lakhwinder Singh, was conducting vehicle checks near Kadial village. As a vehicle approached from the Bhindi Saida side, the occupants attempted to flee upon noticing the police. However, they were quickly apprehended.
Upon inspection of the car, in the presence of Rajasansi DSP Dharminder Kalyan, officers discovered a kit bag hidden beneath the driver’s seat. Inside the bag were two packets of heroin and a stash of drug money. The men were arrested and their vehicle seized for further examination.
In a related operation, the Border Security Force, in cooperation with Punjab Police, arrested another drug peddler. The individual was found with 525 grams of heroin and two mobile phones in his possession. This operation further contributes to the ongoing efforts to curb the drug trade in the region.