In a significant breakthrough, Mancheswar Police in Bhubaneswar have arrested two individuals involved in the theft of 26 smartphones from a mobile shop. The incident occurred last month when the mobile shop, Omm Mobile Shop, located at Rangamatia Railway Station Chhak, was burglarized.
The shop owner, Bijya Kumar Behera, filed a complaint on October 5, reporting that the shop had been broken into overnight. The thieves had used a cutting machine to break into the shop and stole 6 new smartphones and 20 old smartphones.
During the investigation, police utilized GSM tracking and human intelligence to identify the two accused. The suspects, Lulu alias Durga Prasad Barik and Darshan aka Priyadarshan Barik, were apprehended, and upon questioning, they confessed to the crime.
A total of 12 smartphones were recovered from their possession. The accused have been sent to court for further legal proceedings, and the investigation is ongoing.