A joint team from the Dhar Cyber Cell and Sardarpur and Rajgarh police stations arrested four individuals involved in a series of robberies and thefts on Thursday, following a thorough investigation. Among the arrested was Mohabbat Bhuria, a notorious criminal with a Rs 30,000 bounty on his head, who was wanted in connection with five prior cases.
The gang’s method involved puncturing the tyres of vehicles and placing stones on roads to stop unsuspecting drivers. Once the vehicles came to a halt, the criminals would swiftly attack the victims and rob them of cash and valuables. In total, authorities recovered Rs 1.38 lakh in cash, four mobile phones, and a motorcycle used in the crimes. Earlier, a pick-up vehicle and van connected to the gang were also seized.
The total value of the goods recovered from the gang is estimated at around Rs 10 lakh. The arrests were made in response to several reported robberies, including one where a victim was attacked and robbed of Rs 80,500 and valuables while traveling back from Indore.