In a major crackdown on cyber fraud, the Crime Branch of Gwalior arrested five individuals on Sunday for their involvement in renting out bank accounts to fraudsters engaged in online betting scams. The arrests were made after receiving a tip-off, and the suspects were detained near VC Bungalow on Sachin Tendulkar Marg.
The five accused were identified as Abhi alias Abhishek Yadav (20) from Bahodapur, Priyanshu Rajawat (19) from Lakshmipuram Colony Transport Nagar, Avinash Soni (22) from Porsa, Krishna Sharma (19) from Morena district, and Harsh Yadav (19) from Lakshmipuram Colony.
According to Additional Superintendent of Police Krishna Lalchandani, the suspects allegedly rented out bank accounts using mobile phones, which were then used for depositing money obtained through cyber fraud activities. In their possession, police found several details of bank accounts linked to the online betting scam.
The investigation revealed that one of the accused admitted to renting out bank accounts from people and handing them over to a person based in Indore. The police have traced several bank accounts tied to the fraud and are continuing their investigation. Additionally, the police seized three mobile phones, including two iPhones, and an ATM card of Canara Bank from the suspects.
The Crime Branch has also noted that the five arrested individuals may have connections to a previously arrested three-member gang involved in a similar scam, which was apprehended in a hotel on November 4.
Authorities are continuing their efforts to trace the origins of the fraud and bring more suspects to justice.