Two women, Sayedha M (42) and Irfana S (45), were arrested last week in Malegaon for allegedly stealing 18 gold rings valued at Rs 2.8 lakh from Mamta Jewellers in Andheri West on December 3. The accused were initially able to avoid suspicion by paying a Rs 1,000 advance for two rings, claiming they would return to pay the remaining amount. However, their plan unraveled when Oshiwara police identified them using CCTV footage.
Further investigation revealed that Sayedha has five similar theft cases in Mumbai, and Irfana is wanted for one. Their modus operandi involved arriving in hired vehicles and stealing gold jewellery boxes from various shops.
The Oshiwara police, led by Assistant Inspector Sandip Patil, spent several days tracking the suspects’ movements. After monitoring the route from Andheri West to Malegaon, they arrested the women and recovered 12 of the 18 stolen rings. The investigation continues as the police work to recover the remaining rings and uncover any other potential crimes linked to the duo.