In a significant crackdown on drug trafficking, Jaleswar police in Odisha arrested a woman on Monday, seizing 55.26 grams of brown sugar valued at Rs 5.5 lakh from her possession. The woman was apprehended at Jhadeswarpur, under Jaleswar police limits, where police also confiscated Rs 8,700 in cash.
According to SDPO Dillip Sahu, during a press conference at Jaleswar, the arrested woman is a known drug peddler. Following her interrogation, the police expanded their investigation, arresting two additional individuals involved in the drug trade.
The operation was carried out by a team led by Jaleswar police station IIC Ranjan Sethi, acting on the instructions of Balasore SP. A raid was conducted at the house of Sheikh Billa in Jhadeswarpur, leading to the arrest of his daughter, Ruksana Biwi, 24, also known as “Scooty Didi.” Ruksana, who had taken over the drug business after her husband, Sheikh Shah Jahan, was arrested 20 months ago in Kolkata, has been selling brown sugar across Balasore district using her scooter.
Police also arrested Ruksana’s 46-year-old mother and father during the raid. All three were charged in a case (No 584/24) and forwarded to court on Tuesday. The investigation is ongoing as police work to dismantle the drug syndicate operating in the region.