The Vizianagaram Rural Police successfully arrested two individuals and seized 5 kilograms of cannabis (ganja) in Dwarapudi village. Acting on a tip-off, a police team led by Circle Inspector B. Lakshmana Rao and Sub-Inspector Ashok Kumar carried out a raid in the area. During the operation, they apprehended Jagannadham, a resident near Vasanta Vihar railway station with links to Odisha, who was found with the illegal substance.
Further investigation revealed that Jagannadham had distributed portions of the cannabis to two local men, Boni Akhil and Marthi Venkata Aditya. The police recovered the drugs in the presence of Deputy Tehsildar B. Sanjeeva Kumar. In addition to the cannabis, officers seized two mobile phones and Rs. 2,050 in cash.
The arrested suspects have been presented before the court for remand proceedings, and the authorities are continuing to investigate the drug trafficking operation.