Naharlagun Police arrested a drug peddler, Vijay Parang (alias Vijay Rikum), on Thursday for possessing and trafficking heroin in Naharlagun. The arrest took place following credible information that Vijay was involved in selling narcotics in Prem Nagar and Veterinary Colony, Naharlagun.
A police team, led by Inspector K. Dev, the Officer-in-Charge of Naharlagun Police Station, and Sub-Inspector Binod Singh, accompanied by EAC Naharlagun Khoda Bath, conducted the operation. The team intercepted Vijay Parang, a 30-year-old from Rikum Village, East Kameng, currently residing in Polo Colony, Naharlagun.
Upon being issued a notice under Section 50 of the NDPS Act, Vijay cooperated with the authorities for a personal search, which led to the discovery of 7 plastic vials containing 8.5 grams of heroin and a used syringe.
During questioning, Vijay admitted to selling drugs in the Naharlagun area. Following his confession, the police raided his house in Polo Colony, where they seized 65 empty plastic vials used for packaging drugs.
The operation was conducted under the supervision of Superintendent of Police (SP) Mihin Gambo.