Home » Travis Pierce Arrested for Westmoore Assault Involving Burns

Travis Pierce Arrested for Westmoore Assault Involving Burns

Moore County man charged with burning victim, causing critical injuries

by Sophia Bennett

MOORE COUNTY, NC — Travis Pierce has been arrested after allegedly assaulting a 31-year-old man in Westmoore on Monday, resulting in critical injuries.

Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields confirmed that Pierce, 31, was apprehended on Thursday following the execution of a search warrant at a residence in Northern Moore County.

The incident occurred at a Dollar General store where the victim was left after sustaining severe burns. Witnesses reported hearing a person yell from a vehicle before driving off, leaving the victim behind. The man reportedly entered the store seeking help before leaving again.

Investigators determined that Pierce deliberately threw a flammable substance on the victim and ignited it, causing significant burns to the victim’s body. The 31-year-old man is currently in critical condition at UNC Hospitals.

Pierce has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury, malicious use of an incendiary material to cause injury, and burning of personal property. He remains in the Moore County Detention Center with no bond.

The investigation is ongoing.

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