Toqwanda Ketchmore, also known as “Quannie,” a 30-year-old from Albany, has pleaded guilty to her involvement in a large-scale marijuana trafficking operation. According to the United States Attorney’s Office, Ketchmore was a member of a criminal organization that cultivated marijuana commercially in Fresno, California, and trafficked it to various locations across the United States.
Ketchmore admitted to receiving shipments of marijuana from Dwight A. Singletary II, known as “Nutt” and “Mike Jones,” and McKenzie Merrialice Coles, known as “Kenzie,” through a shipping store in Fresno, Fast Pack & Ship. These packages were sent to Ketchmore’s former residence in Troy, New York, where she would alert her associate, David Singletary, also known as “DB,” to retrieve them upon arrival.
The operation, which ran from November 2020 to May 2022, saw Ketchmore receive 44 packages totaling approximately 201 kilograms (443 pounds) of marijuana. The marijuana, branded as “Nutty Packs,” was sold through Instagram under the handle “nutty_packz,” featuring videos and images of marijuana plants and packaging.
Ketchmore’s role in the drug network contributed to the distribution of thousands of kilograms of marijuana across the U.S. She faces up to 20 years in prison and a potential fine of up to $1 million. Ketchmore was charged alongside Dwight Singletary, David Singletary, Coles, and 20 other individuals involved in the trafficking operation.