The Fort police in Tamil Nadu have successfully arrested three individuals, including a foreign national, for allegedly swindling lakhs of rupees from a native of Manakkad. The fraudsters promised the victim that money could be earned by liking and sharing advertisements of movies on social media, with an additional claim that the earnings could be doubled through a Telegram app.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Le Quang Trong, a Vietnamese national, and Kannan and Manoj Kumar, both from Tamil Nadu. The arrests were made in Hyderabad, following a thorough investigation led by Fort police SHO Sivakumar and his team, including SI Sreekumar, ASI Prashanth, SCPOs Sreejith, and Lipinraj.
The scammers contacted their victims, promising easy money by engaging in social media tasks like liking and sharing movie advertisements. Once the victim was convinced, they were asked to use a Telegram app to further double their earnings, which was the point where the fraud occurred. The victims were misled into transferring significant amounts of money, believing they were making a legitimate investment.
During the investigation, it was revealed that these individuals had executed similar scams with multiple victims in different locations. The police have indicated that they are continuing to probe the case to uncover any additional frauds linked to this group.
The police also highlighted that the fraudulent activities were carefully coordinated through social media accounts, and the scam was conducted on a wider scale, potentially involving several others.