In a tragic case of domestic violence, 35-year-old Pritam Tamang has been arrested in Gangtok following the death of his 30-year-old wife, Damberi Chettri, at their home in Selep Tanki. …
Drug Trafficking
Sikkim Police Arrest Sanjay Pradhan for Drug Trafficking in Singtam
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant operation conducted by the Singtam Police on Monday, authorities intercepted a vehicle suspected of trafficking illegal substances. The silver ECO SPORT, bearing the registration number SK 01 …
by Ananya Mehta -
Identity TheftPersonal
CBI Uncovers Links Between Fake Passports and Trafficking Racket
by Ananya MehtaThe Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has uncovered connections between a fake passport scam and an international woman trafficking racket in West Bengal and Sikkim. The agency’s investigation intensified following …
by Ananya Mehta