In a significant breakthrough, the Manjeshwar police have arrested four individuals involved in drug smuggling. The arrested suspects were caught during a raid near Paivalike Bayikatte, where the police seized …
MDMA smuggling
In a significant drug bust, Ernakulam Rural police arrested two more individuals in connection with the seizure of 300 grams of MDMA. The arrested suspects were identified as Abin John …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug Trafficking
Hyderabad Software Engineer Raavi Sai Mastan Rao Arrested in Drugs Case
by Ananya MehtaOn August 12, 2024, the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) police in Vijayawada arrested Raavi Sai Mastan Rao, a software engineer from Hyderabad, in connection with a major drugs smuggling case. …
by Ananya Mehta