CEN Police have filed a case against Manoj, a 31-year-old from Shirva, for allegedly running an illegal lottery scheme with chickens as prizes. The lottery was conducted via a WhatsApp …
Burglary and Theft
Three Arrested for Stealing Spare Parts from Spinning Mill in Kolappalur
by Ananya MehtaThree individuals, including a minor, were arrested on Wednesday for stealing spare parts from a non-operational spinning mill near Gobichettipalayam, located in Kolappalur. The mill, which was being guarded by …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant crackdown on cyber crime, the Uttarakhand Special Task Force (STF) has arrested Manoj, the primary suspect in a Rs3 crore digital scam that targeted residents in Dehradun. …
by Ananya Mehta