The Mangaluru Police have arrested two individuals involved in an elaborate scam that defrauded an investor of over Rs28.18 lakh. The accused, identified as Amir Suhail from Neelasandra in Bengaluru …
high returns
A 62-year-old woman from Thane was scammed out of nearly Rs1.5 crore after being lured by promises of “high returns” on her investments, police reported on Thursday. The victim, a …
by Ananya Mehta -
Investment Scams
Hyderabad Cyber Police Arrest 3 for Defrauding Investor of ₹1.45 Crore
by Ananya MehtaThe Hyderabad Cybercrimes police have arrested three individuals in connection with an alleged investment fraud that has left a victim out of Rs1.45 crore. The arrested trio includes Rameswara Behera, …
by Ananya Mehta