In a major breakthrough, Sambalpur Police on Wednesday dismantled an inter-state gang of dacoits, arresting 10 individuals linked to a series of criminal activities. The accused have been identified as …
Burglary and Theft
Man Arrested for Stealing Rs. 25 Lakh Worth of Gold and Cash in Sambalpur
by Ananya MehtaA man from Sambalpur was arrested for stealing Rs. 25 lakh worth of gold jewelry and cash from his neighbor’s house. The stolen items included Rs. 16.40 lakh in cash …
by Ananya Mehta -
Burglary and Theft
Bishnah Police Solve Multiple Thefts Recover Stolen Ornaments Worth Rs30 Lakhs
by Ananya MehtaBishnah police have successfully solved multiple theft cases by recovering stolen ornaments worth ₹30 lakhs and arresting three individuals. The breakthrough came after a complaint was filed by Bindu Rani, …
by Ananya Mehta