On Wednesday, the Assam Chief Minister’s Special Vigilance Cell conducted a raid at the residence of Ramij Uddin, the stenographer of the prime accused Sewali Devi Sharma. Uddin is under …
disproportionate assets
Fake Financial Services ScamsFinancial
Odisha ACF Rebati Raman Joshi Arrested for Disproportionate Assets
by Ananya MehtaOdisha Vigilance officials arrested Rebati Raman Joshi, an Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) from the Hirakud Wildlife Division, for possessing disproportionate assets on Thursday. The arrest followed a series of …
by Ananya Mehta -
Fake Financial Services ScamsFinancial
Haridwar VDO Rampal Arrested for Disproportionate Assets Worth ₹4.73 Crore
by Ananya MehtaA Village Development Officer (VDO), Rampal, posted in Laksar, Haridwar, was arrested by the Vigilance Department after an investigation revealed he had amassed disproportionate assets worth over Rs4.73 crore. The …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Vigilance Arrests Government Official Rao for ₹3.77 Crore Disproportionate Assets
by Ananya MehtaVigilance officials arrested a government officer, identified as Rao, after discovering his disproportionate assets worth over Rs3.77 crore, far exceeding his known sources of income. The authorities, acting on intelligence, …
by Ananya Mehta