The Hyberabad police have arrested 13 members of a gang from Rajasthan involved in a major UPI fraud scheme, which resulted in a massive loss of approximately Rs4 crore. The …
Cyberabad police
FinancialInvestment Scams
Appampally Surya Pratap Reddy Arrested in ₹2.79 Crore Chit Fund Scam
by Ananya MehtaOn Tuesday, the Cyberabad Economic Offences Wing (EOW) apprehended Appampally Surya Pratap Reddy in connection with a major chit fund fraud that defrauded over 80 investors of Rs2.79 crore. The …
by Ananya Mehta -
Fake Rental Scams
Accused Arrested for Defrauding ₹50 Crore in Fraudulent Land Deals
by Ananya MehtaIn a major development, Kancharla Sathish Chandra Gupta, the proprietor of Sai Surya Developers, was arrested by the Cyberabad Police Economic Offences Wing (EOW) for his involvement in a large-scale …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Hyberabad Police Arrest Manish Gyan Chand in Rs. 2.92 Crore Investment Scam
by Ananya MehtaThe Hyberabad police have arrested Manish Gyan Chand for his involvement in a major cyber fraud case, where fraudsters used his bank account to dupe a victim of Rs. 2.92 …
by Ananya Mehta -
A significant real estate scam has emerged in the city involving Square and Yards, a real estate company accused of defrauding customers through fake farmhouse villa investments. The Hyberabad police …
by Ananya Mehta