A 46-year-old man, Mahesh, from Pallippuram in Alappuzha, was arrested by the Kurumppampady police from Aluva for attempting to steal from two houses, including that of a magistrate, in Pulluvazhi …
criminal cases
Sheikh Shahnawaz, also known as Sohail and Bura, a 23-year-old man from Jahangirpuri, was arrested by Delhi Police on Thursday after being found in possession of heroin worth Rs2.5 crore. …
by Ananya Mehta -
Burglary and Theft
Rohit Kapoor and Rinku Arrested, Leading to Two Weapon Suppliers’ Capture
by Ananya MehtaThe Delhi Police achieved a significant breakthrough in tackling armed robbery and vehicle theft cases with the arrest of two notorious criminals. Rohit Kapoor and Rinku, also known as Sagar, …
by Ananya Mehta -
The Amritsar Rural Police have made three additional arrests in connection with the high-profile dry fruit theft that took place at a cold storage facility in Ibban Kalan village on …
by Ananya Mehta