The Dakshina Kannada district police arrested Sooraj K., 36, a resident of Uppala in Kasaragod, Kerala, on Friday. He is accused of being involved in a series of seven house-break …
Burglary and Theft
Suraj K Arrested for Multiple Thefts in Dakshina Kannada District
by Ananya MehtaThe Dakshina Kannada district police have arrested 36-year-old Suraj K, a burglar believed to be behind several thefts across the region. Suraj, a resident of Uppala in Kasaragod district, Kerala, …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant breakthrough, the Manjeshwar police have arrested four individuals involved in drug smuggling. The arrested suspects were caught during a raid near Paivalike Bayikatte, where the police seized …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant operation led by the Vittal Police Station, two individuals were arrested in connection with multiple thefts, including those from a house and an anganwadi. The arrests took …
by Ananya Mehta -
Investment Scams
Fraud Case Involving Rs 2.11 Crore Loan at Samaja Seva Society, Arrest Made
by Ananya MehtaA major fraud involving a loan of Rs 2.11 crore secured using fake gold ornaments as collateral has led to the registration of a case against 28 individuals, including the …
by Ananya Mehta