After a long search, a special team of Navalur police arrested Rashid Sheik, the primary suspect in the 2022 murder of Sankara Doss, a 33-year-old from West Bengal. Sheik was captured in Jharkhand, nearly two years after the incident.
The murder took place on August 25, 2022, when Sankara Doss’ body was discovered at his workplace in Navalur, on the outskirts of Chennai. Following the discovery, the police launched an investigation and traced the disappearance of Rashid Sheik, who was a co-worker of the victim.
The investigation led authorities to suspect Sheik’s involvement in the murder, as he had gone missing after the crime. After an extensive manhunt, police were able to apprehend Rashid Sheik in Jharkhand, bringing closure to the case after almost two years.