On Sunday evening, the Surat City Crime Branch seized over 2 kilograms of banned mephedrone worth Rs 2.03 crore in a major bust in Velanja area of Surat district. The operation also led to the seizure of an additional 427 kilograms of a suspected drug from a factory in Ankleshwar, Bharuch district, during a joint operation with the Bharuch Special Operations Group (SOG).
Three men—identified as Montu Patel, Virat Patel, and Vipul Patel—were arrested for transporting the 2.031 kilograms of mephedrone in an SUV. The authorities have also seized the vehicle involved in the illegal activity.
The swift action by the Surat Crime Branch highlights the ongoing efforts to curb drug trafficking in the region, with authorities working together across districts to tackle the narcotics trade.